Join the “MIX IT UP!” campaign and see how even a few plant-based meals can significantly cut your carbon footprint
Did you know food generates a lot of carbon emissions from how it is produced to how it is transported, even to how it is stored and cooked? Often, our personal emissions come from things we do not even think about, but maybe it is time we start looking deeper into these things.
National vegetarian week
National Vegetarian Week runs from the 1-7 October, but there is no time limit on when you can start. The event raises awareness to vegetarianism for the planet and is the perfect reason to give meat-free meals a go. Whether it is going veggie for a whole week or just for one meal – you will still be making a big difference because small swaps here and there can make a positive, and bigger than you may think, impact.
Running for over 30 years, the campaign aims to encourage everyone to cut down on meat consumption and try out some of the fabulous range of great tasting vegetarian and plant-based foods.
This year, National Vegetarian week has a theme of “MIX IT UP!”. Choosing veggie food more of the time is one of the easiest ways you can reduce your carbon footprint.
Why it is important?
Lowering your meat consumption or adopting a vegetarian diet is a great way to lower your carbon footprint; this is sometimes known as a climatarian diet. It is estimated that 14% of global emissions are from meat production.
Chris Packham – wildlife TV presenter and conservationist said “Helping the environment can feel overwhelming, but each of us can make a difference, and it is easy to do. By reducing or cutting out meat, we can lower our carbon footprint, helping the planet and all its occupants.”
Not only can eating less meat be better for the planet, but it can also be kinder to your pocket. The Future of Food study, published in the Lancet in 2021, that a vegetarian food shop can be up to 31% cheaper than a meat diet. So, with costs rising, swapping meat for beans and pulses can reduce overall household costs.
Now we must admit we are a bit late to sharing this event due to the work that is going into our Climate Emergency Response 3 (CERP3) launch. But national events like this is a big part of our journey to fight climate change. You can sign up and come along to our event on the 17 October to learn more about the impacts of food on the environment as well as many other themes as mentioned in the CERP3.
The website for the week is still available and running and has great resources to help you dedicate one week (or more) to mixing up your diet and reducing your carbon footprint.
Link to resources and get involved
The National Vegetarian Week vegetarian and vegan recipes are all carbon-calculated for some planet-friendly and tasty inspiration, as well as some easy veggie tips to help o get started in your journey.
It is never too late to join in and spread the word, you can also share your experience on social media using the hashtag #NationalVegetarianWeek, eat some delicious veggie food and…MIX IT UP!