Community energy is the collective action of a group to generate, manage and reduce their consumption of energy, with the aim of local people benefiting from the savings.
Community energy projects come in all shapes and sizes and there are thousands of them all over the UK. They can cover a whole range of activities, such as renewable energy generation though solar photo voltaic panels or wind turbines, fuel poverty advice, improving draughty or damp homes, car sharing clubs, battery storage, and much more. What they all have in common is that they are led by, and bring benefits to, local people.
Regional and national guidance and advice on community energy can be provided by several organisations:
VONNE (voluntary organisations network north east) is the regional support body for the North East Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, representing more than 1,200 member charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, networks, and social enterprises from across the region, with further reach through our many networks. You can visit the VONNE website to read more details.
The North East England Climate Coalition is a cross-sector initiative bringing the region together to tackle climate emergency, reverse ecological collapse and deliver an urgent and just transition.
Community Energy England was founded in 2014 by practitioners within the community energy sector to act as the voice of the sector and help put people at the heart of the energy system. The organisation membership has grown over the years with over 270 community energy organisations and a range of other stakeholder organisations, and remains the only organisation dedicated to representing and supporting the community energy sector in England.