We’re all switched onto the idea of recycling more, being more energy efficient and reducing the amount of food which ends up in waste.
Around the world food waste contributes between eight to 10% of all total greenhouse gas emissions. Nationally UK households produce around 70% of the UK’s 9.5 million tonnes of food waste every year. Most of the UKs food waste is sent to landfill which is carbon intensive and bad for the environment.
So how about composting? Have you given thought to setting up a composting bin? As well as being beneficial for the environment composting is also great for your garden, as you will produce your own nutrient-rich food product, which enriches the soil, helping it to retain moisture and reduce plant diseases and pests. All of which are very beneficial for the garden and any plants along with fruit and vegetables that you may be growing.
The good news is, it’s a fairly simple process to begin. There is some very useful information around composting that you can read on our composting page, including some easy to follow steps to get you set up.
Composting is ideal to help garden plants grow healthy, reducing your carbon footprint and saving you money on shop bought fertilisers.