Our Ecosystems are under threat: here’s how we and partner organisations are taking action and how you can help
As spring sprouts, flowers begin to spring from the ground, the sun peeks from the clouds, and our focus turns to the beautiful world surrounding us. The natural environment is the living and non-living elements of our ecosystems, from flora and fauna, to air, water, and soil. The natural environment provides us with food, fresh air, and clean water, it is fundamental to our survival and our earths wellbeing.
Across County Durham we have hundreds of residents and businesses working hard to preserve our environment. But our ecosystems are in danger. From declines in woodland, destruction of land and habitats, to species struggling to adapt to the changing temperatures, climate change is causing declines in the health and sustainability of our natural environment across County Durham, the United Kingdom, and the world.
We are aiming to reduce the carbon emissions as much as possible by 2045 across County Durham. Part of this is includes protecting, restoring, and regenerating much of our natural environment. We want to see a world where ecosystems are thriving and resilient and we harness the power of the natural world to protect our environment.
The ecological emergency
The ties between the ecological emergency and climate change are undeniable, they directly impact one and other. We, along several partnership organisations across the county, are working to tackle these emergencies together.
There is a continuous decline in our natural world. Across the world, there has been an average decrease of 68 Percent in the population of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians, between 1970 and 2016. On top of this 85 percent of wetlands have been lost. Overall, the decline is shocking and without efforts it will continue to go down.
There are many affected species across the world, and a significant amount in the United Kingdom. In County Durham we have priority conservation of brownfield butterflies, moths, and the white letter hair streak butterfly. So next time you are on your walk keep an eye out for these beautiful creatures and remind yourself why we need to protect them.
Climate change is threatening hundreds of unique species across County Durham. High altitude plants, such as Teesdale’s bird’s eye primrose, the Teesdale violet, mountain pansy, and spring gentian, have adapted to low temperatures but due to rising temperatures they are likely to decline.
What are we doing?
In late 2024 we launched the Climate Emergency Response Plan 2024-2027 (CERP3). The CERP is a document that details each area of action themes and how we are working with everyone across County Durham and surrounding area to tackle climate change. CERP3 contains over 200 actions across 8 themed areas, 34 of those are focused on our natural environment.
Notable actions to come from of our previous document, CERP2 2022-2024 include:
- 1228 hectares of peatland were restored in County Durham.
- 42 hectares of grassland have been converted into meadows since 2020, reducing fuel for mowing and increasing biodiversity.
- The Durham Woodland Creation project is more than halfway through completion with 43 hectares of new woodland planted representing 61% of the total project.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
We declared an ecological emergency on April 6 2022, which has led to the ongoing development of Durham’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS). The document will be a way of prioritizing nature on a more focused and local level. The plan will:
- Change how and where we plan for new development, always keeping the surrounding nature in mind.
- Encourage and pinpoint key locations for nature-based solutions to climate change.
- Promote the development of accessible nature-rich spaces.
- Guide and attract future investments for nature recovery across county Durham.
This strategy will take us another step forward in tackling biodiversity loss and strengthening our efforts to combat climate change.
What are some of our local partnership organisations doing to support these efforts?
Durham Wildlife Trust
The Durham Wildlife Trust is one of our many partners who are making a big difference in protecting and restoring our surrounding environment.
The Wildlife Trust has many nature reserves across the North East region, including Bishops Middleham Quarry, Hedleyhope Fell, Rainton Meadows, and many, many more. Durham Wildlife Trust works hard to protect and restore these lands and wildlife from the Tyne to the tees. They are aiming for at least 30% of land and seas to be managed for nature recovery by 2030, which is a huge and inspiring goal.
The organisation is part of many projects all with the aim to protect our environment and ecosystems, and they run lots of fun, educating, and awareness raising events, across the county. You can get involved and join the fun at any time by checking their events page. One particularly local exciting upcoming event is Wild Yoga at Rainton Meadows nature reserve on Tuesday 1 of April which you can sign up to on their webpage.
If you would like to support the organisations nature restoration and projects, you can sign up to the wildlife trusts membership. Not only do you invest in our environment by joining up, but they also offer many additional benefits such as a welcome membership pack, access to 50+ nature reserves, wildlife advice, access to training, events, and several opportunities to connect with like-minded peers.
Durham Woodland Trust
Durham Woodland Trust is another one of our local inspiring organisations that are working hard to protect nature. They strive to create, protect and restore local woodlands, and with their hard work they have planted 68.5 million trees since 1972. Woodland is home to thousands of species including mammals like squirrels, foxes and more, gorgeous collections of plants and bugs, and it is important we protect them.
Their website hosts a lot of great information including the ‘find a wood’ section which suggests different walks you can take with best spots for certain species for wildlife watching, family fun, or history, and heritage.
They also share tree planting advice and information for those that are interested in take action and supporting our local woodland.
What can you do?
If you are interested in taking action against the threats to the natural environment, here is a few things you can do:
Reduce your personal emissions: Generally reducing your emissions can reduce the strain that global warming puts on our natural world. We have many tips across our website as to how you can reduce emissions but things like switching off appliances that are on standby, turning your heating down by 1 degree, or walking instead of driving short distances, are all examples of small changes that make a big impact.
- Create a habitat: If you have a garden, it could be a haven for small animals searching for a resting place, specifically hedgehogs. Try building a small hut to give shelter and safety to a hedgehog by following the Wildlife Trusts guide.
- Share your knowledge: if you love nature share your knowledge and keep your friends, and family, updated and in the know, encouraging them to take action.
- Supporting local conservation efforts: Keep an eye on local community projects, events, awareness days and either pop along or even see if there are any volunteering opportunities.
- Adopting sustainable practices in daily life: Be mindful of all actions you make and think about ways you can reduce your carbon footprint.
- Follow Signs and Rules While Walking: Respect un-walked land, keep gates closed, and adhere to rules to preserve natural areas. They are there for a reason.
- Respect and protect nature: When you step outside your home, whether a concreate terrace street or a barn in the middle of nowhere, you are stepping into nature. Make sure to pay attention to your surrounding environment and respect it, avoid littering or damaging things, and take a moment to appreciate every tree, bird, or blade of grass and how it forms part of our beautiful environment.
And you can also sign up to our Climate Change and Carbon Reduction Pledge to show your support and efforts against climate change.
We would love to hear from you.
Share your stories, experiences, and photos of nature, and send us a few lines on how you are helping protect our environment in County Durham. Whether it is something you do personally, a community project you may be involved in, a business change or action, or even a great photo of nature. We want to celebrate and share your efforts and views.
Send us your stories or photos (with a short explanation) by emailing climatecountydurham@durham.gov.uk or by filling in our “Get in Touch form” and help inspire others across our beautiful county to take action.
***Useful definitions
Ecosystem: An ecosystem is a dynamic community of living organisms interacting with their environment.
Ecological: Ecological pertains to the study of relationships among living organisms and their surroundings.
Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing species, genetics, and ecosystems, crucial for overall planetary health.