Lets explore how travel and transport is addressed in our Climate Emergency Response Plan.
Everything we do, no matter how big or small, makes a difference to our carbon emissions and how we impact our environment. From our daily drive to work, or our annual holiday abroad, it is important to know how our decisions impact Earth. Gov.uk confirmed that in 2020, 24 per cent of the UK’s total emissions came from transport. As part of our Climate Emergency Response plan, here in County Durham, we focus on the theme of Transport and Connectivity.
Transport is an ever-growing industry, in recent years we have seen a huge increase in electric vehicle infrastructure, as well as bus and train services and increase in interest in green transport. In the aspect of travel, one simple change can make the biggest difference.
What is Transport and Connectivity?
In the Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP), the chapter explores the plan to reduce County Durhams carbon footprint that comes from transport. To do this, there is many steps that we need to take, such as accessibility and support of low carbon vehicles, active travel and increasing access to public or shared transport, as well as numerous methods to reduce unnecessary travel such as faster internet and better online services.
Besides these aspects there are also considerations you take in your daily life to reduce your carbon emissions that come from travel such as walking or cycling to work, shopping locally, using public transport more often, or even just reducing the number of deliveries you get and buying everything in the same order.
Public or Shared transport
Public transport is the way to go when it comes to getting from one place to another. Replacing car journeys with public transport can help reduce CO2 emissions by 42% if using the bus, and 73% if using the train.
In the CERP we state that we plan to have improve and have more affordable transport by 2030, and the progress is already underway. For example, many services across the northeast have recently launched their £2 fare cap that will run until December 2024. This means that regardless of your destination within the region, you can travel for just £2 per trip. Or, the day saver pass allows unlimited travel on any service or operator, from buses to metro, for a flat rate of £6.80 per day. And for students or young people under the age of 22, the tickets are even cheaper wit the single for £1 and day saver for £3.
Another option for shared travel is car sharing, this is a perfect way to travel to work, school, college or anywhere with someone with the same or similar destination. Car sharing can reduce the number of cars we have on our roads, therefore cutting down the traffic and overall pollution that the cars produce. There are many benefits to this such as quality time with friends, family, or coworkers; reduced petrol costs; and of course, reducing your carbon emissions.
Cycling and Walking
Choosing to take the bike or stretch our legs can make a much bigger impact to the environment and our health than we may think. Generally walking or cycling is a form of exercise, allowing you to get some fresh air, travel sustainably, and feel a lot fit and healthier. According to Energy Savings Trust, walking regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%. On top of this, walking is a perfect stress reliever, improving your mental health.
Studies also claim that if you walk or cycle just one mile once a week you could save up to £16 on fuel and 27kg of carbon annually. And thanks to many schemes this is even more accessible than ever.
Borrow a Bike: Purchasing a new bike can burn a hole in your pocket and may feel out of reach for some. But there is no need to fret – if you still want to make a difference to your life and personal emissions; Durham County Council offer a scheme that allows individuals to load a bike for work and leisure for 6 months. After the time is up you have the option to purchase the bike at a reduced price or return it.
Wheels 2 Work: This Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) aims to help County Durham residents to travel easier and more sustainably. The organisation uses funding to support individuals (so long as you fit the criteria) in purchasing a bicycle so they can travel to work, apprenticeships, or further education.
Recyke Y’bike: The charity, based in Chester-Le-Street, offers free bikes to referred individuals who cannot afford one by any other means. They aim to make a positive impact on locals’ financial situations by reducing travel costs and make a difference to their physical and mental health. You can find out more about it and their criteria on their website.
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Electric vehicles are the superhero in our climate emergency. The developments we have seen in the last decade have been astronomical, and it is helping us be one step closer to meeting our net zero targets.
In the last few years, we have installed almost 200 electric vehicle charge points across county Durham (400 sockets as there is two per charge point), and in addition to this, we have a project in development that will install a further 300 electric vehicle charge points (EVCP’s), that is an extraordinary 600 more sockets.
We are also working towards and applying for funding in order to increase these numbers further in the next few years and make electric charging more accessible for everyone. On top of this, ZapMap is a useful resource for finding charge points around the country, meaning there is no need to worry on long journeys as you can always find your nearest charge point.
The benefits of Electric Vehicles.
- According to pod point, it only costs around £8.40 to fully charge an electric vehicle with a 200 mile range at home.
- Electric vehicles are exempt from road tax and congestion charges.
- Electric motors do not need as much maintenance as petrol or diesel vehicles as they have very few moving parts and do not need engine oil, anti-freeze, or transmission fluid.
- Fuelling up your car can be done in the comfort of your home.
- Charge points are becoming more accessible for those who may not have space at home, meaning you could also charge up while doing your shopping or at work.
- Reduced pollution mile for mile, with the ability to have a true zero emission vehicle where renewable energy sources are used for recharging.
There are many different ways you can travel, and these are just a few ideas that you could take on board to make a difference.