Set your new year resolutions to reduce your carbon emissions and try new foods this January
Happy new year. As we step into 2024, we also celebrate the 10th anniversary of Veganuary. This is a month long event that encourages participants to eat a no-meat diet for 31 days, not only to improve personal health but also to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable food practices.
Veganuary was founded with a powerful vision to create a world where food production does not harm our environment. Aiming to address the issues of deforestation, water pollution, climate change, and the threat to wildlife caused by traditional food production methods. Over the last 10 years millions of people from around the world have taken part in the campaign, sharing their stories, recipes and making a difference.
The mission of Veganuary is to influence consumer behaviours and attitudes towards food choices. By providing information and support, the campaign makes the transition to veganism accessible and enjoyable for participants throughout the month of January. And many people choose to continue with the lifestyle after the 31 days.
Get involved
We also know that Veganuary does not work for everyone, so it is good to note you do not need to go fully vegan to still help. Going vegan or vegetarian even just for one meal a week could make a huge difference to your carbon footprint and can also lead to a much more healthy and balanced diet.
Sign up and take the challenge on at Also, be sure to check out all the recipes on and try something new.