The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) has £10 million of funding available to support community-driven projects across the UK that focus on the link between Energy and Climate.
We have been advised of the exciting funding opportunity below, too good to not be shared.
The Climate Action Fund:
Energy and Climate is open for applications focusing on community-driven energy projects that can deliver both environmental and societal benefits. Energy use in households across the UK, from heating, hot water, and electrical appliances, makes up about 20 per cent of UK carbon emissions. Changing the way energy is used domestically will help to reduce carbon emissions while also delivering financial, health, and wellbeing benefits for people and communities.
The funding is available to community and voluntary organisations, and the National Lottery Community Fund will accept applications from local partnerships, UK-wide partnerships, and single voluntary or community organisations.
The total funding available is £10 million, including £1.5 million to establish one Energy Learning Network.
Projects can apply for up to £1.5 million over 2 to 5 years. The minimum grant is £500,000. The aim is to fund around 8-12 projects.
Applications to the Climate Action Fund:
Energy and Climate can be submitted at any time, and the NLCF expects the programme to remain open until at least December 2023, but it will depend on demand for the funding.
The closing date to apply for the Energy Learning Network funding is the 28th July 2023.
Read more and apply if you’re interested on the community fund website.