ID | Theme | CERP3 Action Category | Reference | Action Title | Project Lead | Action Description | Target | Implementation Stage | Status | Progress Update | Expected Completion Date | Responsible Organisation(s) | Section/Team | Carbon Footprint Type | IF: Council Carbon Footprint | IF: Countywide Carbon Footprint | Actual Annual CO2 Saving | Cost | Funding Secured? | CarbonTypeCalc | CouncilWideCalc | CountyWideCalc |
76 | Energy and Buildings | Domestic Energy Efficiency | E1 | Managing Money Better Service | Alan Hunter | Managing Money Better Service to evolve and offer telephone triage service to help customers sooner. 4 additional members of staff to be trained in energy advice to give greater flexibility to the scheme. Target of 10 households assisted per month after April 2024. | 10 household assessments per month | Deliver | Slightly Off Track | The Manging Money Better officer was on sick leave for over 12 months and subsequently left the authority in June 2024. The role was not filled and as a result the MMB service was outsourced to Groundworks NE (acting on behalf of NECA) as part of its general energy advice remit. Numbers of MMB referrals were falling anyway, mainly due to a perceived lack of fuel switching opportunities. 42 referrals from April to End December 2024. Average 4.6 per month. | 46477 | Durham County Council | Countywide | Med (>300 - 600 tonnes) | £40,000 | Yes | 2 | 301-600 | ||||
77 | Energy and Buildings | Domestic Energy Efficiency | E2 | Warm and Healthy Homes | Alan Hunter | Warm and Healthy Homes - Boiler repairs and services to customers with health conditions exacerbated by the cold | 5 referrals per month | Deliver | Slightly Off Track | Funding secured from Public Health and match funded from Planning & Housing budgets. 11 applications received since April 2024 to date. Take up has been low and as a result the scheme has now been extended to private landlords who are part of the Durham Lettings Standard scheme. In addition, GP's have been written to again highlighting the scheme and it's benefits to patients in an attempt to encourage applications. Discussions currently ongoing with PH to explore future options for the scheme. | 45747 | Durham County Council | Countywide | Med (>300 - 600 tonnes) | £10,000 | Yes | 2 | 301-600 | ||||
78 | Energy and Buildings | Domestic Energy Efficiency | E3 | Home Upgrade Grant | Alan Hunter | Home Upgrade Grant funding to retrofit measures to private Off gas properties across the County. | 250 measures installed | Deliver | Slightly Off Track | Project ongoing, expected works to around 25-30 properties by end March 2025. Funding was reduced by DESNZ to £620,000 capital for the retrofit works to properties across County Durham. Works due to commence at the end of January 2025. | 45747 | Durham County Council | Countywide | Med (>300 - 600 tonnes) | £5,100,000 (reduced to £620,00 capital by DESNZ) | Yes | 2 | 301-600 |
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